10/3 Q3: Thursday Quality Workout

6:30pm from the Woburn Irish American Club

Group leader: Assistant Coach Tom

RSVP at https://www.facebook.com/groups/245182721273311/posts/568103015647945/

A suggested course that will fit this workout is the following 7.7 mile “Wright Street” course: https://connect.garmin.com/modern/course/311375811

Q3: Threshold Pace Cruise Intervals Workout
Warmup Jog with striders
2 x 2-mile at T pace with 3-minute rest between
1-mile jog warm down

The Coaches can help you with adjusting the distance and the workout depending on your weekly mileage. You should do no more than 10 percent of your weekly mileage of total T pace in any one workout, so for this workout the suggestion is to do no more than:

  • 2 x 2 mile at T pace if you’re running 40 miles a week
  • 1 x 2 mile at T pace if you’re running 20 miles a week

Calculate your T pace at https://vdoto2.com/calculator by plugging in a recent race or time trial performance.

Purpose: T pace training is great for working on endurance and lactate threshold. It trains your body to hold a faster pace for longer.