Saturday June 1, 2024: Long Run (Horn Pond Group)

This week we’re meeting in Concord and not at Horn Pond.

Saturday June 1, 2024: 8:00am Keyes Road town parking lot in Concord Long (L) run at 8:00-9:30 min/mile pace (Group Run Leader: Tom)

9.4 miles featuring the North Bridge & Strawberry Hill


6.3 miles featuring the North Bridge & the lower portion of Strawberry Hill

We’ll all start together. These two courses share the first 3 miles in common. The Shamrocks have a long history of running on these roads, and you should please feel welcome to run your own favorite course if it is different from these two options.

Keyes Road town parking lot in Concord:,+Concord,+MA+01742/@42.4616919,-71.3532002,17.86z/data=!4m15!1m8!3m7!1s0x89e39a38c0a0a2cd:0x2dc665a4ec871d8c!2sKeyes+Rd,+Concord,+MA+01742!3b1!8m2!3d42.4613182!4d-71.3522456!16s%2Fg%2F12hkt48_n!3m5!1s0x89e39a38c216370b:0x4d067c76295d9263!8m2!3d42.460545!4d-71.3513556!16s%2Fg%2F11b8tdhlvx?entry=ttu