Shamrock Training — Race Phase Maintenance
This week’s training is designed to help maintain a race peak into and through November. Also: If you’re up for a 1-mile Time Trial to check on you VDOT score, just let the coaches know and we’ll get you set up and cheer you on.
Q1: Long run. 25% of your weekly mileage or less. Keep the pace easy to emphasize recovery and maintain cardiovascular fitness.
Q2: Track workout: Interval Cutdowns. If your racing a Veteran’s Day Race: T-pace sharpener. Warmup: 1-2 easy plus striders. 3 × 1-mile Tempo w/2 min rests. 1-mile warm down. If not racing: Cutdowns are change-of-pace way to get in what is effectively and interval workout where you can blast the last couple of intervals in the spirit of a finishing kick.The amount of Interval work in this workout adds up to 5 kilometers worth. Warm-up: 2 miles easy plus striders. 1 mile at I pace. 400m jog. 1200 at I pace. 400m jog.1000 at I pace. 400 meter jog. 800 at I pace. 400 meter jog. 400 at your best pace. Warmdown 1-2 miles easy.
Q3 T-Workout (if not racing this weekend). Warmup: 1-2 easy plus striders. 3 miles at Tempo pace. Warmdown 1-2 easy.