Note: If you missed the May Time Trial no worries — just let the coaches know and we can guide you through a 1- or 2-mile time trial during the track workout.
- TJ’s email:
- Tom’s email:
We’re continuing with our Phase 2 work, getting you prepared for the magic of Phase 3 work where we will be really digging into intervals designed to elevate your racing ability.
Below you’ll see the three suggested quality (Q) workouts. Other days should be easy runs of 30 to 60 minutes, or cross-training, or completely off.
The track workout will again focus on R (repetition) running meant to boost your speed and efficiency mechanics and prepare you for the I workouts (interval workouts) we’ll be shifting to in a few weeks.
Racing this week? Drop either Q2 or Q3 and supplant the workout with your race effort.
If you’re racing this Sunday, we can scale the Tuesday workout appropriately to calibrate it with your recovery.
And a note on E pace (easy running). Incredibly valuable stuff:
E running does a good job of strengthening the heart muscle because the maximum force of each stroke of the heart is reached when the heart rate is at about 60 percent of maximum. As you run faster, heart rate and the amount of blood pumped with each heart beat (referred to as stroke volume) both increase, but stroke volume increases minimally. So, fairly easy running is a good developer of the heart muscle, and although it doesn’t feel as if you are working very hard, your heart is.
Quality Workout 1
Long run of less than 25% of week’s mileage and 120 min, whichever comes first. These are performed at E (easy) pace.
Q2 Repetition Workout at the track
(Tuesday 5:45 meetup at Woburn High School track)
Warm-up 1-2 miles plus striders
R workout (Tuesday night at the Woburn High School Track, meeting at 5:45)
4 sets of the following:
(If you’re just getting into the track workouts or coming off an injury layoff, consider 3 sets or a scaled workout that either T.J. or Tom will be happy to build for you)
200 R/200 jog
200 R/200 jog
400 R/400 jog
1-2 miles easy
Q3 Threshold Workout for Thursday Night
Cruise Intervals at Threshold Pace.
1-2 easy warmup. Add some striders to prep for the threshold pace.
3 x 8-minutes at your T pace (threshold pace)
w/1 min rests
6 × 200m Repetition pace with 200m jg
1-2 easy